NuGet Packages – Deprecation Information Hidden for Upstream Sources

Discovered this Microsoft ‘feature’ yesterday!
We have set up our own artifact feed for NuGet Packages we have created ourselves. Within this we have defined as an ‘upstream source’ but have recently noticed that deprecation information about packages is for some reason not displayed when viewed as an upstream source ie:

Package Source =


Package source = Our own feed with defined as an upstream source:


Seems a little odd that this is deliberate functionality – after all what benefit would there be to hiding deprecation information? We do have a workaround which is to define as a separate source and then select ‘All’ in the dropdown which gives us the best of both worlds as we can then see our own packages as well as deprecation information. However there does not seem to be any way to make the Package Source dropdown default to ‘All’ as this functionality was apparently removed in Nuget 3.x –
Will be interesting to see what developer community come back with…